Model and Data Files

This page contains links to model and data files available for download. The SRCE model files and user data files are located on this web site for download.

Data files containing standardized data prepared by regulatory jurisdictions are available for download from regulatory agency web sites.
Click the appropriate file or link to begin downloading.

Note: All file sizes are approximate, download times may vary depending on connection speeds.

Model Files

Cost Data Files


SRCE Version 2.0 Beta

In this version (Beta 01p), we corrected two cell references in the Schedule sheet that could affect the use of the Equip Use sheet functionality. Corrected two formulas in the Misc. Unit Rate sheet so the correct labor and material costs for user defined liner installation costs are used in the Process Ponds and Sediment & Drainage Control sheets. Unlocked cells J194 to J197 in the Misc. Unit Cost Sheets to allow user input. Fixed the summary table at the top of the Haul Material sheet to properly include costs for crushing/screening/compaction.
This new version of SRCE includes new features, updated equipment fleets and numerous enhancements. The key new features include detailed scheduling, filtering, mobilization costs, enhanced cover options, updated equipment, and a number of other features intended to increase user control over closure cost estimates. See the What's New page for more details.
This version will not import models from previous versions. However, based on our experience during testing with some very large models, a manual import effort from Version 1.4 typically does not take more than an hour.
This version is being released as a Beta version, meaning that while it has been tested by a beta test team for more than four months, users should be aware that there may still be issues with this version. We have chosen to release this version as a Beta, as we did the original model (Version 1.0) in 2006 because, while it would be nice to think that we have found most of the bugs and thought of most of the features that the model should include, we are more realistic than that. Our experience has shown that despite the best efforts of our outstanding beta test team, users in the real world will attempt to do things with the model that were not contemplated during testing. This is likely to uncover the need for changes and additional features.
This version only works in Excel 2010 or later.
This version HAS NOT YET BEEN APPROVED for use in preparing financial assurance cost estimates in Nevada. If you plan to use the SRCE to to prepare a reclamation bond cost estimate for use in the STATE OF NEVADA you should use VERSION 1.4.1 Build 17 (see below).

Format: .zip (5.7MB) or .xlsm (6.1MB)
Last update: 1 December 2024

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Nevada Approved SRCE Version 1.4.1 Build 17b

This version fixes a formula error when using dozers for exploration road reclamation.

This is a newer version of the SRCE that has been approved for use in Nevada effective 1 August 2012. This version only works in Excel 2007 or later.
This version HAS BEEN APPROVED for use in preparing financial assurance cost estimates in Nevada. If you plan to use the SRCE to to prepare a reclamation bond cost estimate for use in the STATE OF NEVADA you SHOULD USE VERSION 1.12 of the Standardized Cost Data File (see above).

Format: .zip (8.03MB) or .xlsm (8.86MB)
Last update: 16 May 2019

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SRCE Version 1.4.1 Build 016

This is a version of the SRCE that allows both metric and English unit inputs. This version only works in Excel 2007 or later.
This version HAS NOT YET BEEN APPROVED for use in preparing financial assurance cost estimates in Nevada. If you plan to use the SRCE to to prepare a reclamation bond cost estimate for use in the STATE OF NEVADA you SHOULD USE VERSION 1.4.1 Build 17 (see above).

Format: .zip (7.87MB) or .xlsm (8.67MB)
Last update: 20 December 2017

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Blank User Cost Data File - Version 2.0 (for SRCE 2.0 Beta)

This is a user-editable Microsoft Excel file in the data file format required for use with SRCE 2.0. This file can be used by operators to input mine or contractor costs in preparation of operator closure costs for internal or financial reporting. If you plan to use the SRCE model to calculate reclamation costs for regulatory submittal, check with you local regulators to see if a standardized version of this file is available.

Format: .xlsm (167KB)
Last update: 02 December 2017

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Example User Cost Data File - Version 2.0 (for SRCE 2.0 Beta)

This is an Example of the user-editable Microsoft Excel file in the data file format required for use with SRCE 2.0. This file was created to provide an example to guide users in the creation of their own User Cost Data files. The data in this file is in metric units.

Format: .xlsm (174KB)
Last update: 02 December 2017

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SRCE Standard Cost Data File - Nevada, USA - NEVADA STANDARDIZED DATA

This is the Standard Cost Data File for use in the State of Nevada, USA for reclamation bond calculations submitted beginning 01 August each year. It is a locked Microsoft Excel file in the data file format required for use with Version 1.4.1 Build 017 of the SRCE. NOTE: This file resides on the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Website at the link below.

Format: Microsoft Excel (.xls) file
Last update: 01 August 2019

Currently unavailable.

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SRCE User Cost Data File - Version 1.12

This is a user-editable Microsoft Excel file in the data file format required for use with Version 1.4.1 of the SRCE. This file can be used by operators to input mine or contractor costs in preparation of operator closure costs for internal or financial reporting. If you plan to use the SRCE model to calculate reclamation costs for regulatory submittal, check with you local regulators to see if a standardized version of this file is available.

Format: .xlsm (161K)
Last update: 26 April 2017

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Example SRCE User Cost Data File - Version 1.12

This is an Example of the user-editable Microsoft Excel file in the data file format required for use with Version 1.4.1 of the SRCE. This file was created to provide an example to guide users in the creation of their own User Cost Data files. The data in this file is in metric units.

Format: .xlsm (167K)
Last update: 26 April 2017

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