What’s New

This page displays an up-to-date listing of changes to the SRCE model and this website. The information listed here includes, postings of version updates, scheduled releases, or problems and solutions that may affect all users. When problems reported by users get fixed, we’ll place a notice here, along instructions for the fix.

Updated November 14, 2024
Minor fixes to Beta 01

During the first few years of the Beta release of Version 2.0 a few minor errors were found in the model. Where these affected the function of the model, we have fixed the model and released new version. These updates include:

  • Beta 01a – fixed an error that resulted in miscalculation of equipment and labor costs for seeding in the Yards and Landfills modules. (04 October 2018)
  • Beta 01b – fixed an error that resulted in miscalculation liner installation in the Sediment Pond module. (25 October 2018)
  • Beta 01c – modified the function of the Calculate Model button on the Schedule worksheet to address an issue reported by a user that many of the cells in the upper portion of the schedule would report a #VALUE error. This was then transferred to the Acct Codes sheet. Clicking the Calculate Model button, will fix this problem if it occurs. (10 December 2018)
  • Beta 01d – fixed a formula error in the waste rock dump labor costs and allows labor and equipment revegetation costs to be empty in the cost data file without causing a #NA error in all revegetation cost tables. (20 December 2018)
  • Beta 01e – fixed a formula error in the waste rock dump revegetation labor costs. (21 February 2019)
  • Beta 01f – fixed a formula error in the foundations and building growth media costs in the Schedule sheet which referenced the equipment costs rather than the total cost. (2 September 2019)
  • Beta 01g – added the cost summary tables at the top of each detail sheet. These summary tables only summarize costs for items that match the current cost type selected in the Schedule sheet. (30 November 2019)
  • Beta 01h – fixed the User Data Import routine to: 1) properly import cell references in user formulas in some of the worksheets, and 2) import the Hours/Day in the Water Treatment table. Importing from previous versions will require these data to be re-entered by the user, but these data will automatically be imported in the future from this version or later. (10 December 2019)
  • Beta 01i – fixed an incorrect cell reference in the Schedule sheet to the Other Demo & Equipment Removal sheet. (11 January 2020)
  • Beta 01j – fixed an incorrect formula in the summary table in the Monitoring sheet. A note was also added to the liner installation for diversion ditches. (22 June 2020)
  • Beta 01k – fixed an incorrect formula in the summary table in the Waste Rock Dump sheet that caused the revegetation materials costs not to show in the summary. This did not affect the costs in the Schedule sheet. Also, in several sheets the equipment costs for scarifying/ripping did not calculate if labor costs were zero. (25 November 2020)
  • Beta 01j (duplicate build #) – fixed an incorrect formula reference in the Productivity worksheet that resulted in haul truck weights being shown in imperial units (pounds) even when working in a metric model. This was cosmetic only and did not affect any calculations in the model. (20 April 2021)
  • Beta 01k (duplicate build #) – replaced the certificate that validates the VBA code that runs the macros in the model. This issue would cause an issue if the user had their Trust Center macro settings in Excel set to “Disable all macros except digitally signed macros.” (27 October 2021)
  • Beta 01L – modified the VBA code that changed the maximum speed in the speed tables based on the user defined site speed limit found in the Settings worksheet. Previously, in some cases a change to the speed limit would not result in changes to the speed table until the user selected different haul equipment in the Fleets(Crews) worksheet and then re-selected the preferred fleet equipment. This change to the VBA code should eliminate the need to use this workaround in the future.  (8 February 2022)
  • Beta 01m – fixed a formula in the Schedule sheet that would keep the Equip Use sheet from working properly if only the second tailings cover was crushed or screened. (5 May 2022)
  • Beta 01n – improved the mobilization sheet to account for additional labor (2 general laborers) for each hour required for load/secure/unload activities. We also changed the load/secure/unload costs for the equipment and operator to assume the same number of hours entered by the user. This build also removes rounding from the calculations used to highlight berm, ditch, and pond dimensions are not physically possible. (15 August 2023)
  • Beta 01o – corrected a cell reference that would result in an underestimation of wall demolition costs. We also modified a formula in the Schedule sheet that allows multiple lines for monitor well pump replacements to be properly scheduled. We only encountered this issue in one model since the release of Version 2.0.  (29 August 2024)
  • Beta 01p (24 December 2024)
    • Corrected two cell references in the Schedule sheet that could affect the use of the Equip Use sheet functionality.
    • Corrected two formulas in the Misc. Unit Rate sheet so the correct labor and material costs for user defined liner installation costs are used in the Process Ponds and Sediment & Drainage Control sheets.
    • Unlocked cells J194 to J197 in the Misc. Unit Cost Sheets to allow user input.
    • Fixed the summary table at the top of the Haul Material sheet to properly include costs for crushing/screening/compaction.
    • Corrected formula error in Misc. Unit Cost sheet that affected costs for Bulkheads 12′ ( tall construction o
    • Corrected liner units to S.F. in Sediment & Drainage Control sheet when Imperial units selected.
    • Corrected formula error in Mobilization sheet to correct Assembly/Disassembly cost when user overrides the cost.
    • Added two decimal points to Foundation Wall Height inputs in Foundations & Buildings sheet.
    • Added metric units to grade walls and elevated concrete slabs in Misc. Unit Costs sheet.

Updated November 30, 2017

SRCE 2.0 Beta Release is available!

After several years of development, SRCE 2.0 is finally ready for release as a beta version. Although our beta test team has been testing this extensively version for the last few months, we are releasing this as a beta version and users should be aware that there may still be issues with this version.

This new version of SRCE includes new features, updated equipment fleets and numerous enhancements. The key new features include:

  • Detailed scheduling at the activity level
  • User defined general chart of accounts (facility/activity type)
  • Automatic filtering by cost estimate type Life-of-Mine (LOM), Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO) and Financial Assurance (FA).
  • Filtering by facility/activity type and three user-defined filter categories
  • Greater control over productivity calculations
  • User overrides for haul cycle times
  • Addition of a second cover layer in all major modules and the ability to crush, screen and/or compact all cover layers
  • A module to calculate the total number of hours by year for most equipment used in a model
  • A mobilization/demobilization module
  • The ability to schedule multiple water/soil/rock/vegetation/air sampling categories
  • A number of graphs suitable for presentations
  • User selected currency symbols (not currency conversions)
  • Changeable User Sheet names
  • Multi-line delete function
  • Easy to use form-based Table of Contents
  • Ability to hide unused sheets
  • A form-based multi-sheet print utility
  • User overrides for fuel use
  • Updated equipment specifications and productivity curves based on the 2017 Caterpillar Performance Handbook (CPH) (ed. 47)
  • Improved performance of most modules and macro functions

This version will not import models from previous versions. However, based  on our experience during testing with some very large models, a manual import effort from Version 1.4 typically does not take more than an hour.

This version only works in Excel 2013 or later.

This version HAS NOT YET BEEN APPROVED for use in preparing financial assurance cost estimates in Nevada.